Friday 17 August 2012

Runner Post 10/96 Chapter 3 part two

Hello this is Billy Everyblogger, hehehehehe bet you couldn't tell because I am now on a different account. Well guess what, I am officially a genius because I was walking along the highway with Cold Boy (I bet it's called a motorway over here in Candada but screw politics) when I saw freaking Jordan Dooling with a journal except his journal was a laptop. It was just like RAPTURE but with a laptop!!!

So I punched him and took the laptop and ran. And then I hacked onto this blog because I am actually a master hacker. Wow Jordan has a lot of porn on here.

lol what the fuck Jordan, nobody wants to see this kinky porn stuff. You're gross.

Anyway, I see a gas station up ahead (or is it a petrol station stupid Candada) so I'm gonna stop and buy some food. By which I mean steal it. Being a Runner kicks ass!!!


  1. He was the best of Slendermen, he was the worst of Slendermen.
    One if by blog, two if by vlog!

    what is my purpose

    1. hoo hoo hoo

    2. It was his blog. His blog from when he was a kid.
