Tuesday 14 May 2013

Real Posts (7/5)

Jail's getting boring. Very boring. Boooooring. Very boring. I don't like it.

Oh hello The Fear Deliverer, what are you doing in my cell smoking a cigarette?

"Hello Jonny." I'm Billy. "Whatever. Call me Death on Two Legs today, I'm pulling from contemporary mythology." I have no idea what that means. "I know you don't." Why are you smoking? "It's cool." Heh, I can't argue with that, FUCK DA PO-LISE "Billy, shut up for a second. Hit enter." What? "Just. Hit enter."
"No, I meant twice." Oh okay.

"There you go. Now, when you have something to say, press enter twice again and then say it." Why are-- oh, sorry.

Why are you talking about me writing this? "Now press enter twice again when I start saying something, then I'll answer your question." Fine.

"I'm talking about the meta elements, Billy." Wh

What are the meta elements?

"They're a higher dimension, one you don't seem ready to comprehend just yet despite the fact that you keep trying to reach for them." But "No, Billy. Enter."

Fine. Just fine. But you're starting to sound like a dick, you know. Telling me what I'm reaching for like you understand my intent.

He put out his fag, lol, now he's looking at me annoyedly. "Billy. Why the 'lol?'" Because I laughed out loud? "And what was even so funny? That you called my cigarette a 'fag?' Were you going for the fact that 'fag' is also a slur, or were you just laughing at your 'ironic' use of British slang?" Maybe. Um.

Maybe. I don't know.

"See, this is why I'm pontificating: Because you make your intent blatant. Don't you realize that? Can't you take a step back and look at what you're doing? At what you're writing?"

I.. I have no idea what you're fucking talking about! >_< This is real life!

"Why did you use an emoticon just now? Have you ever used emoticons in this blog before?"

I DON'T CARE IF I DID OR DIDN'T, THIS IS MY LIFE! I want to express myself!

"And that's fine. Everyone is entitled to a vehicle of expression."

Awkward silence.

I don't get it. I don't get anything anymore.

"That's precisely what I'm here for."

Well, whatever it is you're trying to eldritchly talk about, I don't understand and I don't want it! You're a Slenderman! Go away, let me rot in my fucking prison cell!

And now he's gone.

This is all so confusing.