Thursday 13 March 2014

Runner Post 18/96 Chapter 4 part six

Hey guys, sorry I didn't post yesterday, I had to change my password again because I had put it on this blog earlier. Now it's something different. And no it's not literally "something different," lol what do you take me for, a 13-year old?

Today I'm going to talk to you about the Great Game. It was founded by Victor Surge on the Something Awful forums way back in the Golden Age of blogging, my favourite age next to the Greatest Age back when the Slendermen knew what they were doing. Nowadays they're all "fancy gadgets" this and "killing us in our sleep" that, they have no honor anymore! But I regress. The Great Game, formed by Victor Surge, was an ARG about The Blindman, Slenderman of litigation (which some of you may know from their law firm, Slenderman & Blindman ["Frankly, you'd better call Saul!" I love those commercials]) in which the players were sued by a mad madwoman named Gatlin Burg and they had to pay out of their own actual money in order to battle her in court. It was a really great game, ba-dum tish. Fuckin' expensive, though. I got lucky, 'cause my parents are rich and I am hot.

There, today I told you about the Great Game. See the footnotes for more informatio.

1 comment:

  1. Footnotes
    1: There is no law firm called Slenderman & Blindman; Everyblogger here is being a lying shit (a common convention among authors). The Blindman is actually the Slenderman of science going too far. See 2, then see 7.
    2: There's much imagery with the Slendermen, and here is a prime example. The Blindman is blind because the fear is that science can and will blind us, individually as well as as an entire race.
    3: The Great Game, having little to do with Victor Surge, actually came into being as a creatorless phenomenon sometime in the 1500s, lasting until the 1800s. It was a pointless war, some might say, between the Slendermen over who got to dictate human knowledge.
    4: See 6.
    5: See 8.
    6: See 1.
    7: See 8.
    8: See 9.
    9: N/A
