Wednesday 26 November 2014

Runner Post 55/96 Chapter 8 part four (In Which I Encounter A Brand New Slenderman)

I was walking along on the way to the bank, my first job ever, when I saw this film crew outside my house. They were filming I dunno some kind of porno or something, and I was totally in on the action, but before I could even say "Hey" the clouds above our heads (they were there) started to split.

Out of the heavens reigned a Brand New Slenderman. His eyes were lightning, his fists were made of metal, he wore a long flowing coat, and he had a Mexican wrestlermask on.

He cackled. His hair was clouds. With one look at the film crew he made them explode into dusts of vomit. One of

One of those was pregnant, I shouted!

"Do you think I care in the long run little matters? I am"

Who are you?

"I am The Feared One. Slenderman of Fear, Dreams and Sleep and Fear."

But. But that's the name of my blog! I had a crowbar in my hand and was ready to swing.

"Do you think I care in the short run long matters? I am not"

I am not in the mood for this, I shrieked. And then I leapt. But The Feared One meerly snapped his golden fingers and we entered another Dimension.

I will descript the fight in the next post.


  1. The Fear Deliverer13 December 2014 at 01:22

    Where to even begin.
    1) I am pretty damn sure the bank was not your first job. I can probably look back through the archive and prove you wrong here and now.
    2) Porno? Really? Is this a Fearblog or your wish fulfillment? Don't air out your psychological torment for our fifteen bucks.
    3) "the clouds above our heads (they were there)," just mention it beforehand you dumbass.
    4) Here's a legitimate question for you: Why do you keep calling them "Slendermen?" They're not Slendermen. They're Fears. They're fucking Fears and this is the Fear Mythos. How do you not.. I mean, are you just... is there something wrong with you?
    5) Your new Fear idea? Fucking stupid. We have no need for a Fear of Fear, and the segueing into a title drop made me cringe even more.
    6) "dusts of vomit." That doesn't even make sense.
    7) Was it really necessary to make one of them pregnant? Really? Or did you just think that would be "cool?" Here's a free tip for you: Get a fucking grip. That came across as nothing more than tasteless. You asshole.
    8) WHAT EVEN IS THIS DIALOGUE? SERIOUSLY? I can't make heads or tails of the formatting, who's talking where, what's dialogue and what's internal monologue, and the dialogue itself is the stuff of nonsense! Are these typos or are you seriously trying your best? That's what scares me. That is the spooky part of this entire blog: The possibility that this might seriously be your attempt at trying.

    PS: It's "describe." You piece of shit.

    1. Hey what the actual fuck? lol :D

    2. The Fear Deliverer13 December 2014 at 01:24

      This isn't funny, Billy. What is wrong with you? How old even are you?
